According to a Medical News Today article, before the pandemic, 8.5% of U.S. adults reported being depressed. That number has risen to 27.8% as the country struggles with COVID-19.
Not only have numbers risen among the entire population, but particularly among college students.
The coronavirus pandemic has brought an onslaught of challenges for college students: virtual learning, financial responsibilities in the face of unemployment and an unwavering worry over possible infection, according to an August article by the Sacramento Bee.
As a college student, I can say the Sac. Bee is right. This summer I lost my job because of the virus and I was forced to go on unemployment.
Coming back on campus, despite having to wear masks all the time, was very exciting for me. I was thrilled to be able to have in-person classes, especially when most universities were completely doing virtual learning.
However last week, because of a spike in cases in Shasta county, Simpson was forced to go completely virtual for classes and other events such as chapel.
For me personally, it is hard to get out of bed sometimes just to get on my laptop and log into my first zoom class of the day.
Being in class and actually getting to see my peers and professors face-to-face is definitely something I miss greatly and it’s only been one week. However, some students on our campus have been quarantined and cannot even leave their dorm rooms.
When I asked Senior Victoria Mukisa how being on quarantine has affected her mental health she said, ”It takes a mental toll on me because I can’t really have any in-person socialization as I would like to, and not being around people is very hard for any human. I feel isolated and missing human interaction besides my RA who brings me my meals.”
Many students like Mukisa have been quarantined because they have been possibly exposed to someone who has tested positive for the Coronavirus. When comparing her mental health before quarantine and after, Mukisa said that her mental health hasn’t necessarily worsened, but it’s definitely been challenged because she has to stay in a room with four white walls and she almost feels like she is in prison.
Hopefully, we will be able to stay on campus and return to in-person classes after Christmas break, but only time will tell.
If you are having any mental health issues or would just like someone to talk to, the Simpson University Community Counseling Center is located within the Wellness Center in the Owen Center, Suite 208. Regular office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please call our office at (530) 226-4667 or come by to schedule an appointment.
Also, Mark Endraske said in an email, “It’s normal to experience many different emotions during this pivotal time in our nation's history. Please remember to reach out for help when you’re feeling stressed or anxious.”
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It’s ok to ask for help! There’s no better time than now to take care of your mental health and wellbeing. Go to for more information or to start a visit.