By: Eric Norris
By the time people get to college, it is expected for them to have the ability to clean up after themselves. However, for male residents in Thompson and Currie this is not the case. Mom is no longer here to clean up after you.
Thompson maintenance worker, Caleb Gonzalez, tried to reach out to 3rd floor room advisor, Dylan Cabral multiple times. After no response for weeks, Paul Davis made a complaint straight to Mark Endraske which Endraske responded saying it will be taken care of. The responsibility for the third floor to be cleaned fell on the shoulders of the Residence Advisor, Dylan Cabral, the same R.A. who let it get to that point.
Thompson is not the only dorm experiencing an increase in trash build up. Currie, the upperclassmen dorm has had its fair share of trash.
Third floor resident, Joe Bell said, “A disgusting stench lingers in the stairwell almost every day.”
Currie residents in the past have been able to keep the trash in the communal garbage cans to a minimum but as of lately that has changed. In the second-floor communal kitchen there are two trash cans, and one large recycling can for plastics. Inside the recycling bin was a bag of fast food along with foam cups which do not belong in that particular bin. Thankfully, for the Currie dormitory, senior, Louis Down takes out the trash often.
As for Thompson, Brian Jobson, the facilities coordinator commented about the state of Thompson, “The male students in Thompson often leave trash lying around and don't take responsibility for their own garbage. So far, we have added more trash cans to the area, so that there is room for all the trash. The best solution is for the male residents in Thompson to have pride of place and do their part to help keep their own living area clean. There is a possibility that residents in Thompson could be fined by Residence Life if things continue to be a problem.”
The daily facilities worker, Gonzalez, spends 10 hours a week cleaning Thompson, fulfilling all of his duties. But, in no way is he responsible for personal trash.
He said, “This issue could all be avoided if the guys weren’t so lazy about their own stuff.”
Going forward, the garbage truck will still come every three days which will help the overflow of trash in dumpsters. The dormitories will still be responsible for making sure individual trash cans do not overflow. Notice how the female dorms don't have trash issues, maybe that can be replicated in male dorms soon.