By: Daisy Brenegan
Due to Covid hitting us hard last year, all mission trips were cancelled.
“We did not have any mission trips last year. As the trips were cancelled last minute in 2020, we chose not to send any out this past summer, said missions coordinator, Sarah Mabee.
Mabee continued, “Instead, we focused on on-campus and in-Redding initiatives to bring world missions to our campus.”
Although this year it's a different story. Mission trips are back in action. They will take place in the spring/ summer of 2022.
Below are all the mission trips offered. Each has a small description. For more information on the trips please reach out to Sarah Mabee by email:
1. Spring break 2022 trip: Mexicali. Dates: March 12-19. Cost: approximately $700. Max number of participants: 15. Leaders: Dr. Tom and Mrs. Perry .Ministry: Urban outreach, community development, family and youth ministry, after school programs, English teaching, and cross-cultural immersion.
2. Summer 2022: Twin Cities.Dates: May 9-18. Cost: approximately $1190. Max number of participants: 15. Leader: Jessie Wolske. Ministry: Urban outreach, community development, family and youth ministry, after school programs, English teaching, and cross-cultural immersion.Ministry: Somali children outreach, community garden preparation, park outreach and events, connecting with Somali families, English classes, homework tutoring, basketball, and cultural food, experiences, and church services.
3. Summer 2022: Chicago. Dates: May 9-18. Cost: approximately $1190. Max number of participants: 15. Leaders: Shondra Dickson and Curley Wilson. Ministry: Urban outreach, community development, family and youth ministry, after school programs, English teaching, and cross-cultural immersion.
4. Summer 2022: El Salvador. Dates: May 9-18. Cost: approximately $1500. Max number of participants: 20. Leaders: Shane Geer. Ministry: Urban outreach, community development, family and youth ministry, after school programs, English teaching, and cross-cultural immersion.A valid passport and Covid vaccination is required for this trip.
5. Summer 2022: Croatia. Dates: June 10-20. Cost: approximately $2500. Max number of participants: 20. Leaders: Heather MuCulley. Ministry: You will have the opportunity to serve children and people in some of the poorest communities. There may be opportunities to do sports ministries and camps, serving in the food pantries, serving at an orphanage, hosting community carnivals, and other community outreach events.
6. Summer 2022: Alaska. Dates: Mid July or Early August. Cost: approximately $1200. Max number of participants: 20. Leader: Sarah Mabee.Ministry: Serving at South Tongass Alliance Church, serving at Ortan ranch Kids camp by helping to run activities, games, and be counselors for the kids. There may also be opportunities to travel to other islands to do construction and other ministry.
“My hope is to go to Alaska and I'm most excited to see what work we can do with the people there. sharing the gospel to those who don’t know who Jesus is, is something that’s amazing and seeing life change with the power of god is what makes me love going on missions trips,” said junior Miranda Gutierrez. COVID protocols are still in effect for these mission trips. COVID also played a big part in planning the mission trips this year.
“It has been more challenging to plan travel as COVID still restricts much international travel, weeding out countries that we would have traditionally sent teams to but were unable to due to COVID was challenging,” mentioned Mabee.
You must fill out an application to go. All applications are due by November 5th.
It is exciting to see some things go back to normal. The communities need help more than ever. Pray and ask God where he wants you to go. Fill out an application, and go serve the world.
